Abstract Submission

The Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology (IDSOG) is soliciting abstracts for presentation at the IDSOG Annual Meeting.

Abstract Submissions Open: January 13, 2025
Abstract Submissions Close: March 30, 2025 – 11:59 PM PST


IDSOG Abstract Submission Guidelines 2025

Please note the following before submitting your IDSOG abstract(s):

Thank you for your interest in submitting your research to the 2025 IDSOG Annual Meeting. The meeting is taking place July 17-19 at the Renaissance Minneapolis Hotel, The Depot in Minneapolis, MN.

There are three parts to the abstract submission process:

1. Review and acceptance of abstract submission rules and regulations
2. Abstract Proposal: Background, Methods, Results and Conclusions
3. First Author and Co-Authors

If you have a chart or graph, please include this with your submission. Limit of only one chart OR one graphic per submission.

You will see a screen at the end indicating your abstract has been successfully submitted and you will receive a confirmation email. You can use the IDSOG Abstract Submission System to edit your abstract up until the deadline. After the deadline it is no longer possible to edit your abstract.

Abstract Instructions 

1. All individuals will be asked permission to collect and store your submitted information for the purposes of abstract submission and the Annual Meeting. If you select No, please note you will not be contacted further regarding your submission and your information will be deleted.

2. IDSOG Abstract Submissions are being accepted for consideration for either oral or poster presentation.

3. The abstract body word count limit is 250 which must include the following sections.

4. Abstracts must be original, non-published work that has not previously been presented at a national or international meeting.

5. Abstracts should be written in proper English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). Use decimal points (not commas). Please carefully check your spelling, as submitted abstracts will not be reviewed prior to publication.

6. An abstract must have a title that indicates the nature of the investigation. Capitalize each word in the title except for terms that usually appear lowercase, such as prefixes to chemical names (Title Case). Example: The Current Clinical Use of HPV Genotyping

7. Do not use abbreviations in the title of the abstract, with the exception of DNA, RNA, and HPV. Standard abbreviations may be used without definition in the text. Nonstandard abbreviations (kept to a minimum) must be placed in parentheses after the first use of the word or phrase being abbreviated.

8. Each abstract submission must clearly identify the following:
· Background: an introductory sentence indicating the purpose of the study
· Methods: a brief description of pertinent experimental procedures, including statistical evaluation where appropriate
· Results: a summary of the new, unpublished data
· Conclusion: a statement of the conclusions
· Key Take Away: 25 word limit
Please note: The word limit of 250 does not include your abstract title or author string.

9. When submitting your abstract, please select one of the following categories: – Translational/Basic Science – Clinical Science – STIs and other Vaginal Infections – Epidemiology/Public Health Practice – Maternal Infections – Other

10. Within the title and text of the abstract, omit any reference to your institution to ensure a proper, blinded review.

11. Trade names should not be used.

12. Meeting registration, travel, and hotel accommodations are the responsibility of the presenter. All presenters must register. Registration information will be sent to membership soon and will be available on the IDSOG website.

13. If you have a chart or graph, please include this with your submission. Limit of only one chart OR graphic per submission.

14. Case Reports should be directed to “Stump the Professor” submissions.

15. In the selection process, preference is given to original research. As a general rule, case series will not be considered, acknowledging that rare and emerging situations may arise.

16. Systematic reviews are not considered original or new research.

17. All accepted abstracts will be included in the IDSOG 2025 Abstract Supplement and will be published in the American Journal of Gynecology.

18. All abstracts must be submitted by Sunday, March 30, 2025 at midnight pacific time.

19. Abstract notification letters will be sent no later than May 7, 2025.


If you have any questions, or experience any difficulties, please email IDSOG at info@idsog.org.