Xpert® Xpress MVP: A new on-demand NAAT for improving women’s health through fast and accurate diagnosis of vaginitis/vaginosis.
Friday, August 5, 2022
7:00 am – 8:00 am

Vaginal discharge is a leading cause of clinic visits by women, with more than 10M per year in the United States. Limitations with traditional test methods contribute to poor diagnosis and inappropriate treatment, leading to persistent symptoms and repeat provider visits. High performing nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) that have only been offered on large, batch analyzers have limited practical use for clinicians due to a lag in reportable results, thus making same day treatment a challenge.
The Xpertâ Xpress MVP is a new on-demand NAAT developed by Cepheid, to aid in the diagnosis of vaginal infections in women with a clinical presentation of vaginitis/vaginosis.
In this presentation, we will:
- Describe the features of the Xpertâ Xpress MVP test
- Discuss data from the clinical studies of symptomatic women in diverse settings
Kimberle Chapin, MD, MSc D(ABMM), FCAP
Diane Kawa, PhD